National Junior Honor Society
The NJHS recognizes students who reflect outstanding accomplishments in the areas of scholarship, character, leadership, citizenship, and service. Membership in the NJHS is a privilege, not a right, and the criteria for membership are considered seriously. This service organization represents our school throughout the community by helping at various afternoon and evening school functions, assisting in school initiatives and community activities, and working with and supporting local and national charities. The NJHS is an 8th grade organization within Catonsville Middle School.
At the end of the third quarter, 7th grade students will receive an application to apply based on the following criteria:
- 94% attendance rate (excused absences do not count)
- No suspensions and fewer than three office referrals
- Minimum of 50 hours of service learning/community service
- Service hour opportunities can be found throughout the community and must be pre-approved by Ms. Bates [email protected]
- Information regarding service learning from BCPS can be found here as well as on our CMS website
- Cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher for the first three consecutive quarters in 7th grade
Once students receive their application to apply, they will be required to write three short essays on leadership, service, and character. They will also be required to receive three teacher recommendations.
Please note that while many students may be eligible based on the criteria, they must apply and will be accepted based on a ranking of their submitted applications.
Some of the events that the NJHS runs or supports throughout the year:
- Managed the School Sign
- American Education Week
- Fundraiser for Westside Shelter
- Tour of CMS Video for incoming 6th graders
- NJHS Tutoring
- Dodgeball Tournament
- Kickball Tournament
- Parent-Teacher Basketball Game
- ACT Store
- Inclusion Play Day
- Summer Fun Night
Any questions, you can reach out to the NJHS advisor, Ms. Psenicska, at
[email protected]