Snow Days

Snowflake with Black Outline 1   Snow Days  Snowflake with Black Outline 2

Per BCPS Policy, BCPS schools will be closed for the first three Snow Days for the 2024-2025 school year. Closings and delays will be publicized on local news stations as well as the BCPS Homepage.

BCPS Virtual Inclement Weather Day Plan

Beginning with the 4th inclement weather day, CMS students will follow the schedule below for virtual instruction. Students should check Schoology for Catonsville Middle Google Meet codes. Attendance will be taken during Virtual Snow Days.

Virtual Snow Day
2 Hour Delay Schedule
Virtual Snow Day Schedule 2025


From Mrs. Fanshaw:
In the event we go virtual for snow days, we will use our two-hour delay schedule, attached above.  Then students will be able to log on to Google Meets with the class codes found in Schoology. It’s that simple! Students log into the correct class, using that teacher’s Google Meet code, at the time identified on the schedule.  I will remind students via Schoology post if it’s an A- or B-day.

From the Counseling Office:

Students and families, if you need to reach your counselor on a virtual snow day, send them a message on Schoology.  They will reach out to you with a code specific to you and a time for the google meet.  While we would love to set up a code per counselor, there is no way to ensure we are able to maintain confidentiality if we post a general code.